Who is Dr Zakir Naik

                               Who is Dr Zakir Naik

Dr. Zakir Naik is an Indian Islamic preacher and scholar who has gained global recognition for his work in comparative religion, interfaith dialogue, and the promotion of Islamic teachings. He is the founder and president of the Islamic Research Foundation (IRF) and the Peace TV network, which broadcasts Islamic programs in multiple languages.

Dr. Naik is known for his popular lectures and speeches on a variety of topics related to Islam, including Islamic theology, comparative religion, and social issues. He has authored several books and publications on Islam and has been featured in various television and print media outlets.

However, Dr. Naik has also been controversial due to his statements on sensitive topics such as terrorism, women's rights, and religious conversion. He has been banned from several countries, including the UK and Canada, for his controversial remarks and alleged promotion of extremist views.

It's worth noting that opinions on Dr. Naik's work and teachings are varied and contentious, and his views have been criticized by some within the Muslim community as well.

  1. He was born on October 18, 1965, in Mumbai, India.

  2. He is a medical doctor by training and received his degree from the University of Mumbai's Topiwala National Medical College and Nair Hospital.

  3. He has been listed among the 100 most powerful Indians by the Indian Express newspaper.

  4. He has delivered lectures in more than 40 countries and has received numerous awards for his contributions to Islamic education and interfaith dialogue.

  5. He is a proponent of the concept of "Islamic fundamentalism," which he defines as a strict adherence to the fundamental principles and teachings of Islam.

  6. His Peace TV network has been criticized by some for its alleged promotion of extremist views and for its links to controversial Islamic organizations.

  7. He has been accused by some critics of making derogatory comments about other religions and promoting intolerance and hate speech.

  8. In 2016, the Indian government banned his NGO, the Islamic Research Foundation, and declared it a "terrorist" organization.

  9. He has been the subject of several controversies, including allegations of money laundering and funding extremist groups.

  10. He currently resides in Malaysia, where he was granted permanent residency in 2018.

  11. He has claimed that the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City were an "inside job" carried out by the US government as a pretext for the War on Terror.

  12. He has been accused of promoting extremist views and supporting terrorist organizations such as the Islamic State (ISIS).

  13. He has been banned from giving public speeches in several countries, including the UK, Canada, and Malaysia.

  14. He has been the subject of several legal challenges, including a defamation suit filed by a prominent Indian Muslim leader and a criminal investigation by Indian authorities for his alleged involvement in money laundering.

  15. He has been a vocal critic of the portrayal of Islam in Western media and has accused the media of spreading negative stereotypes about Muslims.

  16. He has advocated for the imposition of Sharia law in Muslim-majority countries and has been criticized for his views on women's rights and religious freedom.

  17. He has been praised by some for his efforts to promote interfaith dialogue and for his work in building bridges between Muslims and non-Muslims.

  18. He has authored over 20 books on Islam and comparative religion, including "The Qur'an and Modern Science," "Answers to Non-Muslims' Common Questions About Islam," and "Islam and Terrorism."

  19. He has been described as a charismatic and influential speaker who has attracted a large following among Muslims around the world.

  20. His supporters have defended him against accusations of promoting extremism and have argued that his critics are attempting to suppress freedom of speech and religious expression.
